Tyler Seward: Licensed Plumber
Q: What inspired you to become a Licensed Journeyman Plumber?
A: Ha-ha, to impress my wife’s grandpa. He had done it when he was a young man and always said that he wished he stayed in it. He is a man that I respect greatly and it had got me thinking about it. I was at a place in my life where I needed to commit to a career path and I just went for it.
Q: When you were studying for the exam, what kept you motivated?
A: My family was definitely the biggest motivator. It’s important to continue growing and taking steps to further my career. Not just for my future, but my families as well. Secondly, my coworkers were a huge factor in keeping me going. They were a big help with all my questions and giving me tips on what to look for in certain drawings and questions. And a lot of credit in the motivation department goes to my Journeymen when I was coming up early in my career. I owe a lot to John, Bret, and Jeff. Those three gentlemen really set me up with a great foundation to learn upon for me to be where I am today. I really owe it to them to continue on and push myself into the next phase of my career.
Q: When you finished taking the exam, at that moment, how did you feel?
Honestly, the moment I completed the test, I just wanted to take my mask off. After I got outside, I was thinking about what the proctor had said last. “Most people do better than they feel like they did.” He was right. I didn’t feel too confident when I walked out of that building. By that time, I was just glad to be done and knew there was nothing left to do but wait.
Tell me about how you found out you passed? What went through your head?
A: Funny story. Dustin had passed his test pre-COVID and told me that you could cheat and see if you passed on LNI’s website after about a week and a half if your new license number posts. So I had been checking the website twice a day every day after the week and a half was up to see if mine had posted. Nothing. To the point that I was looking at future dates to schedule and go test again. It’s not common to pass on the first try so I was mentally ready to have to take it a second time.
So, the letter comes, and I just know it’s bad news. I had just checked LNI’s registry that morning and had not taken into account a delay in their updating due to minimal staffing from COVID. I open the letter and started reading the word Congratulations, and all I could think was, “why are these a**holes congratulating me? I failed. What a horrible way to tell someone that they need to try harder next time.” That’s when I see my test scores and a lightbulb went off. I looked at my wife and started laughing.
Q: Why was it important for you to pass this exam?
A: Pride. Plain and simple. Carding out for me brings a huge sense of accomplishment. Carding out on my first attempt even more so. I’ve had a unique experience on my path to where I am now and it hasn’t always been an easy one. It’s nice to be able to say I made it. I earned it.
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your new license?
Two things: growth and growth. I intend to keep growing myself. Looking toward my next certification, and continuing to learn new things every day. This card isn’t where the train stops, it’s where it starts. I want to be the best out there and I can’t rest yet.
I also want to help the guys who are just starting their path. It was nice to have the journeymen who were around me when I was coming up who I could ask questions and rely on for guidance and real-world training. I want to keep that healthy culture of growth going. This team is our future and I want the people around me to have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
Q: Who has supported you with this?
A: Everybody. Literally everyone. But there are a couple I’d like to highlight in particular.
- My wife Kate. She has pushed me to grow since the day I met her. She has been so supportive of everything I’ve done and we have experienced so much together. I’ve had a lot of long nights between work and studying, and she has always been there to pick up the slack. She makes my life so easy by being so amazing.
- Brandon Cortez. (Service Manager) Without that man, I wouldn’t be where I am today. In the beginning, he fought hard to bring me onto this team and I will never have enough opportunities to thank him.
- Dustin Cornelius. (Plumbing Lead) A truer rival has not existed. Thank you for being as competitive as I am. Without you around I think I’d genuinely be bored. That being said, I only had to take it once bud… Race you to the 01.
- Natasha Shaw. (Dispatch Manager) Every plumber at Campbell will tell you that the hardest-working member of our team is Tash. The amount of work she puts in to make sure we can shine is incredible. She makes everyone around her want to give 110% and that is a quality I would like to have one day. I greatly respect her.
Thank you to Natasha, Dustin, Tim, John, Thomas, Mike, Nic, AJ, and Brandon, I have never been less than thrilled to come to work and be a part of this team. Thank you all so much.
If you’re seeking a company to support you in your plumbing career, apply online at Campbell & Company for our Pasco or Yakima location.
Pictured Left to Right; Tim Stevens, Thomas Tharet, Brandon Cortez, Tyler Seward, Natasha Shaw, John Adams, Dustin Cornelius