Regular duct cleaning can be an easy thing to leave off of your to-do list; however, having your ducts cleaned professionally provides many great benefits! A good rule of thumb is to have your ducts cleaned every few months for the best results. Keep reading to find out more about the top perks of professional duct cleaning services.
Improved Air Quality
Contaminants and pollutants aren’t visible to the naked eye, making it difficult to know just how impure your home’s indoor air may actually be. You would likely be surprised by how much dirt, pollen, pet dander, airborne illnesses, mold, and mildew you are breathing in on a regular basis!
Before & After
Professional duct cleanings work hard to unblock clogged ductwork and diminish the above and more from your home’s air. Duct cleanings can also dramatically decrease the presence of off-putting odors from molecules in your home, making it a top anti-bacterial solution.
Reduced Allergies
With the beauty of spring weather comes pollen and other irritants that are known for worsening allergies. Not much is worse than stuffy or runny noses, scratchy throats and skin, and irritated eyes. Fortunately, duct cleanings are a great step to take should you wish to remove said allergens. Scheduling this service routinely is your best bet at preventing and keeping harsh contaminants at bay, limiting their effect on your senses.
Energy Savings
If your ductwork is dirty and backed up as a result of debris and other hindrances, it is likely to result in your HVAC systems working overtime to properly heat your home in the winter or cool your space in the summer. If your system is working harder, it will inevitably lead to higher energy bills.
Cut costs and save energy with regular duct cleanings! Keep your ductwork in tiptop shape so that your systems can operate seamlessly, limiting how much you spend each month.
Choose Campbell & Company for Exceptional Duct Cleaning
Campbell & Company has delivered expert duct cleanings to our Yakima and Tri-Cities community since 1983, and we don’t plan on quitting any time soon! We offer convenient scheduling and prompt, reliable service that is sure to improve your home’s indoor air quality in more ways than one. Our highly awarded company is comprised of licensed and insured technicians that are highly trained and capable of tackling virtually any HVAC or air quality service you need.
Trust us to do it right! Schedule a comprehensive duct cleaning service with us today by calling (509) 412-3146 or scheduling with us online.